How to Make Your Own Chicken Feeders? Innovative Ideas for Poultry Farming

Currently, breeding chickens and other poultry in household farms is a highly profitable endeavor. Articles about making your own chicken feeders, with photos and original ideas, are very relevant.

Innovative DIY Chicken Feeder Ideas for Poultry Farming

Proper and timely feeding is essential for healthy chickens. Modern farmers, who have many tasks, might not always have the time for this process. It’s much easier to feed using special feeders that dispense food automatically.

DIY chicken feeder

This article presents several possible ways to make such devices. Each can simplify the farmer’s life and make the feeding process easier.

Examples of Homemade Chicken Feeders

The most ingenious inventions are usually the simplest, and so is the idea of building a feeder using a polypropylene pipe. Attach a connecting elbow to the necessary pipe and place this structure in the chicken coop. Feed is poured into the pipe from above, and the top end is closed.

Polypropylene pipe chicken feeder

Through pressure, the feed spills into the elbow. As the feed is eaten, more is added from the pipe. The fill level in the other pipe will decrease. After a few days, a new portion of feed is added.

Bunker-Type Feeder

The next device, a DIY bunker-type feeder, has amazed many poultry farmers with its originality. Such feeders in specialized stores are quite expensive. If you have a large farm, you might need several of these devices. There’s a way to make a similar device by hand, saving a considerable amount of money.

DIY bunker-type chicken feeder

To create this feeder, you will need a plastic bucket and a grid. Drill several holes at the bottom of the bucket, equal in number to those in the grid. The size of the holes should allow the feed to easily fall into the grid. Connect the grid and the bucket with fastening screws.

After pouring the feed into the device and closing the bucket, the feeder is placed or hung in such a way that the chicken has free access to the feed. Properly secured, the feeder doesn’t require attention for several days.

Bucket and grid chicken feeder

Plastic Container Feeder

Creating a third type of feeder requires a small amount of time and the simplest of materials. A plastic container with a handle and wire are all you need.

Empty the plastic container, wash it several times, and dry it thoroughly. Insert the wire as shown in the picture, and the feeder is ready. Fill the bottle with feed. The height of the edge should be about 10 cm to allow chickens normal access to the food.

Photo Collection: Original DIY Chicken Feeder Ideas

Plywood Feeder

The fourth type of device is a feeder made of plywood. This feeder is also of the bunker type. You will need a sheet of plywood to create the feed device. Cut the necessary number of high walls to construct a box without a front part.

DIY plywood chicken feeder

The height of the structure should be about ninety centimeters. This height allows filling a sufficient amount of feed. At the outlet, the feed mixture should get stuck.

To make this possible, another piece of plywood is placed at the bottom of the structure so that it has a certain slope towards the front part. The feed should fall onto a platform located in front of the inclined plane.

A significant issue with all homemade devices is the absence of feed limiters, which regulate feed delivery and prevent chickens from reaching inside the feeder and spilling the feed, making it unfit for consumption.

In this feeding device, this task is solved by special borders that regulate the supply of the feed mixture and prevent it from spilling out. The front border should be at least six centimeters high. Side borders, about twice as high as the front one. This simple trick will protect the feed from spilling and spoiling.

Videos: DIY Chicken Feeders – Original Ideas

These four ways to make DIY chicken feeders and photos of these original ideas will help better organize your farm, making it more profitable and productive.

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